« Back to Listing 2023 Overview Series: Office Fire Prevention and Response

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Product Code: OVFPR

Running Time: 15 minutes

Language: English

Version: Standard



Office buildings and other corporate facilities are often multi-story and contain many offices, cubicles, storage areas, and meeting rooms. The number of people in these types of facilities, combined with an abundance of combustible materials and potential sources of ignition, creates the potential for a hazardous office fire to occur. To help prevent fires, office workers must understand and follow good fire prevention practices, such as office housekeeping, which keeps combustible items from accumulating and removes them from proximity to heat sources. This program discusses ways to prevent fires in the office, how to respond to an emergency, participating in fire drills, and the use of fire extinguishers.

After watching the program, the participant should be able to explain the following:

  • The fire triangle;
  • How to prevent fires in the office;
  • How to respond to an office fire;
  • The classes of fires and fire extinguishers in the office;
  • How to use an ABC fire extinguisher.

 Click here to download the Leader’s Guide