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Product Code: LTAUW
Running Time: 13 minutes
Language: English
Version: Standard
OSHA’s standard 1910.147 titled “The Control of Hazardous Energy” requires employers to establish a written Energy Control Program. This program categorizes three types of workers as related to lockout/tagout operations: authorized workers, affected workers, and other workers. The only employees who may perform lockout/tagout operations are Authorized Employees and they are the focus of this program. During interviews and instruction, viewers will see how important it is for authorized employees to perform a lockout/tagout correctly and safely.
After watching the program, the participant should be able to explain the following:
- What is lockout/tagout;
- The three types of workers listed in OSHA’s standard and their differences;
- The responsibilities of an authorized employee;
- How to perform a shutdown and drain all energy;
- How to verify a lockout;
- What to do when returning equipment to service.